Information for Parents


Parents usually consider their daughter’s or son’s career aspiration as a pilot an exceptional choice.

Hiermit versuchen wir, Ihnen als Eltern Informationen zu geben.

On this site, we are trying to provide you, as parents, with the information you need to be able to deal with your child’s career wish. In addition, this information should demonstrate the FFH as the ideal partner whose experiences you can trust.

Flight Training or Studying?

All too often, parents consider studying as the better choice for their child.
However, the child’s wish to become a pilot is most of the times so strong that the son or daughter won’t accept any other career suggestions.

Should you wish to create the preconditions for a second source of income, a college degree program can be completed in addition to the training at FFH.

How Safe is the Flight Training?

Nothing else is more important to parents than the safety of their child

Safety during flight training is our top priority at FFH.

FFH strictly follows the EASA standards and guarantees – with its own in-house maintenance department FFH Technik – the highest maintenance standards of its airplanes.


Why is Pilot Training so Expensive?

Since safety and quality are top priorities in Germany, pilot training comes at a price.

Most of the money will be used for practical training as the costs include maintenance personnel, high insurance fees, flight instructor rates, airport charges and finally high fuel prices.


What are the Career Prospects?

FFH has been in pilot training for more than 50 years and has placed former students with all airlines.

The airlines‘ feedbacks on our alumni are entirely positive.

The training at FFH is highly recognized and it is very important for us to maintain the quality of our training at a very high level to ensure that numerous alumni will continue to be recruited.

Like any other profession, there is no 100% job guarantee. Especially without the secondary education qualification called Hochschulreife, it is rather difficult to get recruited by airlines.


What is the Best Way for me as a Parent to Better Inform Myself?

Decades of experience at FFH have proven that it is important for parents to know the course of training.

Therefore, we ask you to accompany your child to one of our information days. You are more than welcome.